01 January 2013

Pope Benedict XVI on Twitter

Hello all!

This is probably old news by now to any Catholic on Twitter, but for anyone who doesn't know, Pope Benedict XVI joined Twitter last month and first began tweeting on 12 December (12/12/12. I see what you did there, Your Holiness). He had a huge burst of followers before he had even tweeted anything and now has over 1.3 million followers. He usually tweets once a week with a question or sentence summarizing a recent message he has given. I think it is fantastic that the Pope is utilizing this social media platform to reach people (particularly young people) in a new, relevant way. Imagine, people drawing closer to the Catholic faith because of Twitter!

One of the Catholic bloggers I read, Fr. Z (@fatherz on Twitter), has proposed here a Twitter project to post prayerful tweets to the Holy Father on Tuesdays. This could help boost his Twitter page and fill it with positive messages (because, unfortunately, there have been some negative messages directed at His Holiness). I think maybe tweet themes may be suggested each week. But there is no need to wait for each Tuesday to arrive to tweet Pope Benedict XVI. For example, you can tweet today to wish the Pope a happy and blessed new year and retweet other such tweets you may see.

You can send tweets to @Pontifex or follow this link to the Pope's Twitter page. If you are interested in following me on Twitter, I am @bakeorbake (associated with my other blog on baking). Let's wish the Pope all health and blessings in this year of Our Lord 2013!

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